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Picture of the day - April 16, 2006

"Easter In The Park"

Jesus' Crucifixion

Today's picture depicts one of the saddest events that a Christian can imagine: the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Although He was fully God, Jesus came down to the earth in human form in order to suffer and die a horrible death. And He did just that after being mercilessly beaten, tortured and nailed to a wooden cross. The last day of Jesus' life was one of the most horrible days any person has ever had to endure.

After being humiliated and beaten beyond recognition, Christ hung naked on the cross and died a shameful death - a fate He didn't deserve. What a sad last chapter to the story of Jesus' life here on earth! But thankfully, the story doesn't end there...

After lying in the tomb for three days, Jesus' body was discovered missing. Had it been stolen? Had it been moved to another grave?

No. Jesus had risen from the dead. After His death, His body had been placed in a borrowed tomb. Why a borrowed tomb? Because He knew He wouldn't be needing it for very long!

The Saviour of the world had accomplished His mission. He had been born of a virgin, lived among us on the wicked earth for 33 years, and then He died on the cross. His blood had been shed for the forgiveness of our sins.

Fully God, yet fully man, Jesus bore our sin and shame (He didn't have any of His own) and suffered a terrible fate that He surely didn't deserve - all because He loved us when we didn't deserve His love.

For Christians, Easter is arguably the most important holy day of the year because it celebrates the day that Christ overcame death, hell and the grave by rising from the dead. Had there not been a resurrection, mankind would have no hope of salvation - we would all be doomed to spend an eternity in a fiery hell!

For more than a decade, Christians from several local churches have come together every Easter weekend in the town park in tiny Damascus, Virginia to put on an elaborate play depicting the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Aptly named "Easter In The Park", this wonderful drama is seen by over 1,000 people each and every year.

This year there were nine scenes beginning with Jesus' birth and ending with the Ascension - with several scenes featuring Jesus' miracles and other important events taking place in between. Guides lead the visitors from scene to scene, explaining what they will be seeing next along the way. The actors aren't really actors, they're just everyday people - Christians who believe it is their duty and a privilege to help spread the story of Jesus Christ and His boundless Love to all who will hear it.

The Last Supper
"The Last Supper", one of the scenes at this year's "Easter In The Park".

If you would like to see a very realistic portrayal of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you owe it to yourself to visit the beautiful town of Damascus, Virginia next Easter weekend and experience "Easter In The Park" - a story like no other and a moving experience you'll never forget!

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