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Picture of the day - April 10, 2006

Our Huge Forsythia Bush


In our yard stands one of the largest forsythia bushes I have ever seen. This thing must have a circumference of at least 30 feet! And as forsythia's do each and every spring, it burst into a fireball of golden yellow blossoms a couple of weeks ago -  becoming the focal point of our lawn virtually overnight.

Today, the ubiquitous forsythia can be spotted in yards and flower gardens all across America, but it didn't even exist here until the mid-1800's. It's hard to believe that such a common shrub is native to Asia instead of North America - and that it's a member of the olive family! Go figure...

Cheria and I can't decide whether to prune back our huge forsythia bush or simply let it grow and see just how big it will get. We have plenty of space for it to spread out in and it really brightens up the yard, so we just might leave it alone and see what happens. What we do know is that we love having one of the most beautiful forsythias we have ever seen standing right outside our home!

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