Picture of the day - October 19, 2005

The Earth As Seen From Apollo 17

Photo of the earth taken fron Apollo 17.
Photo courtesy of NASA. 

Today's picture is one of the most popular images ever produced by NASA - a stunning photo of the earth taken on December 7, 1972 by the Apollo 17 astronauts as they left the planet on their way to the moon. The trajectory of Apollo 17 during this particular lunar expedition made it possible to see virtually the entire continent of Africa, Saudi Arabia and the south pole at the same time!

The Apollo missions are justifiably notorious for landing humans on the moon, but they also allowed the astronauts to take a treasure-trove of high resolution, full color photographs of the earth in the process. These images gave us all a new perspective on the planet we inhabit, showing us the beauty and complexity of our world while at the same time showing us how small it really is in comparison with the vastness of space.

While the overwhelming success of the Apollo lunar missions helped the United States win the "race to the moon", they did much more than just that - they also led to scientific and technological advancements that allow all of us to live more comfortable, safer and healthier lives.

I hear people saying that America can no longer afford the luxury of space exploration, but I don't see it that way. I believe we can't afford not to explore the universe.

When God created human beings, He placed within us an inquisitive nature. I believe He wants us to explore all of His creations and expand our horizons far beyond those of our small planet. And I believe that if we do just that we'll be rewarded in many ways - just like we were so richly rewarded by the Apollo missions!

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