Picture of the day - March 11, 2005

Mount Rushmore

Side view of Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore is one of the most photographed attractions in the world. Most of those pictures are in the traditional "postcard" style showing the faces straight-on. Not this one...

During the drive up the mountain to Mount Rushmore, miles before actually reaching it, you are treated to tantalizing glimpses of the monument through chasms in the craggy mountain. Sometimes you see only one face, like in this picture, and other times more.

The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a massive stone sculpture carved into the face of a 5725 foot mountain located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The world-famous sculpture features the faces of four of America's most beloved and admired former Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. The faces themselves are a whopping 60 feet high, and they can easily be seen from many miles away.

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