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Picture of the day - April 21, 2006

The Boohers On The Pickin' Porch Show

The Booher Family

Today's picture features The Boohers performing on last evening's Pickin' Porch Show. If you love Bluegrass Music, you are probably already familiar with The Booher Family. But if you haven't heard of them yet, you will!

Most family bands sing well together, but The Boohers take the term "family harmony" to the next level. Their voices blend as smoothly as the sweetest honey and their instrumentals are truly in a class by themselves. I would love to know where Joe got that magic mandolin - it must surely be magic because I can't see how a mortal man can create such amazing sounds with a normal one! And of course Gary, Lora, Jamey and Thomas can pick with the best of them as well!

The Birthplace Of Country Music region has more than its fair share of great Bluegrass groups and musicians, and The Boohers are among the best of the best. They have taken their tremendous talents on the road, performing professionally all over the United States and around the world. So the next time you find them in your neck of the woods, go take in one of their shows. You're sure to hear some of the finest Bluegrass music you have ever heard by some of the friendliest folks you'll ever meet!

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