Picture of the day - August 27, 2005

Uncle Z.R.'s Dog Petey

Uncle Z.R.'s Dog Petey

Today's picture features a very special dog, my wife's aunt Rebecca and uncle Z.R.'s dog Petey. All true animal lovers share a special bond with their dogs, but the bond between Z.R. and Petey is simply unbreakable.

Z.R. likes to sit and pet Petey every day when he is able to do so, and Petey returns the favor by wagging his tail and being a loyal companion to Z.R. It's a deal that can't be beat!

It all started when Petey just showed up at the house one day, begging for food. Rebecca fed him and he decided to hang around for a while. Before long he had won over the hearts of Rebecca and Z.R., and when Z.R. became seriously ill Petey made it clear that he would be there to comfort him.

One day my wife and I were sitting on Z.R. and Rebecca's front porch visiting with them when Petey climbed up onto the porch with us. We petted him and he wagged his tail and licked our hands...we knew we had made a new friend! Rebecca asked us to stop by again with our camera and take a picture of Petey and Z.R. together, and we said we would.

But before we could get back over there, Z.R. had to be admitted into the hospital. Rebecca asked if we could stop by their house and take a picture of Petey and bring it to Z.R. because he missed Petey very much. We did, and the result is today's "Picture Of The Day" - an image of a loyal companion and a symbol of a most enduring mutual love. 

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