Picture of the day - February 27, 2005

Goat On A Haystack

3 Goats and a haystack
One day a while back my family was traveling down a country road in rural southwestern Virginia when we came upon a herd of goats in a field. In the middle of the field was a goat on top of a haystack, eating the hay.

Amused, I stopped and took several  photos of the scene. But when I got home and downloaded the pictures to my computer, it was immediately apparent that I had been too far away. I was disappointed over the missed opportunity and figured that I would never see anything quite like that again.

Wrong! A few days later we were traveling down another country road (sort of a hobby of ours) when we saw another herd of goats and yet another goat on top of a haystack. Again, it was too far from the road to get a good shot. Lightning had struck twice and again I had missed out!

I mentioned seeing the goats on top of the haystacks to a farmer friend who enlightened me - goats love to climb and it's actually quite common to see one standing (and eating) on top of a haystack!

Well, as luck would have it, we happened upon yet another haystack with a goat on top of it, and this one was only about 15 feet or so from the road! I stopped the truck, jumped out, and captured the shot above. As they say, third time's a charm!

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