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Picture of the day - August 22, 2006

The Appalachian Trail Sign In Damascus, VA

The Appalachian Trail sign in the Damascus, Va town park.
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Every year, thousands of hikers embark on a journey that will have them trekking all the way from Maine to Georgia (or vice versa) on the world-famous Appalachian Trail, and during the planning stage they mark the places along the trail where they can hike into a town for supplies and a bit of rest. And the place that is probably marked most often is the beautiful and friendly town of Damascus, Virginia.

As hikers enter the Damascus Town Park, they are greeted with the sign featured in today's picture. Damascus' Appalachian Trail sign is perhaps the most easily recognizable and most photographed man-made object along the entire 2,160 miles of the trail's length. Virtually every time a group of hikers pays Damascus a visit, you'll find a couple of them having their picture taken with this rustic sign!

A stop in Damascus offers a peaceful respite from the rigors of the trail, and by the time the thru-hikers get here they're usually quite ready for one since they have already trekked several hundred miles. The locals love having the hikers visit, opening up their businesses, and often their homes to them with their own special brand of southern hospitality. This neighborly spirit is why Damascus has been given the moniker "the friendliest town on the trail".

The next time you're in Damascus, why not stop by the town park and have your picture taken beneath the Appalachian Trail's most anticipated landmark? You won't need to be a thru-hiker to understand the significance of everything that simple, rustic sign represents.

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